Chemistry of Non Metals
Allotropes of Oxygen
Unit-9. Chemistry of Non-metal:
9.1. Hydrogen, Oxygen and ozone :
- 9.1.1 Hydrogen : Chemistry of atomic and nascent hydrogen ; Isotopes of hydrogen and their uses; Application of hydrogen as fuel ; Heavy water and its applications
- 9.1.2 Oxygen : Allotropes of Oxygen – Definition of allotropy and examples; Types of oxides (acidic, basic, neutral, amphoteric, peroxide and mixed oxides) ; Applications of hydrogen peroxide; Medical and industrial application of oxygen
- 9.1.3 Ozone: Occurrence ; Preparation of ozone from oxygen; Structure of ozone; Test for ozone; Ozone layer depletion (causes, effects and control measures) ; Uses of ozone
9.2 Nitrogen :
- Reason for inertness of nitrogen and active nitrogen
- Chemical properties of ammonia [ Action with CuSO4 solution, water, FeCl3 solution, Conc. HCl, Mercurous nitrate paper, O2 ]
- Applications of ammonia
- Harmful effects of ammonia
- Oxy-acids of nitrogen (name andformula)
- Chemical properties of nitric acid [HNO3 as an acid and oxidizing agent (action with zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, sulphur, carbon, SO2 and H2S)
- Ring test for nitrate ion.
9.3 Halogens:
- General characteristics of halogens
- Comparative study on preparation (no diagram and description is required)
- Chemical properties [with water, alkali, ammonia, oxidizing character, bleaching action] and uses of halogens (Cl2, Br2 and I2)
- Test for Cl2, Br2 and I2
- Comparative study on preparation (no diagram and description is required), properties ( reducing strength, acidic nature and solubility) and uses of haloacids (HCl, HBr and HI)
9.4 Carbon and Phosphorus:
- 9.4.1 Carbon : Allotropes of carbon (crystalline and amorphous) including fullerenes (structure, general properties and uses only) ; Properties (reducing action, reaction with metals and nonmetals) and uses of carbon monoxide
- 9.4.2 Phosphorus : Allotropes of phosphorus (name only); Preparation (no diagram and description is required), properties ( basic nature ,reducing nature , action with halogens and oxygen) and uses of phosphine.
9.5 Sulphur :
- Allotropes of sulphur (name only) and uses of sulphur
- Hydrogen sulphide (preparation from Kipp’s apparatus with diagram,) properties (Acidic nature, reducing nature, analytical reagent) and uses
- Sulphur dioxide its properties (acidic nature, reducing nature, oxidising nature and bleaching action) and uses
- Sulphuric acid and its properties (acidic nature, oxidising nature, dehydrating nature) and uses
- Sodium thiosulphate (formula and uses) .
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Notes By: Manoj Shah